
Mainland China Region

1. Brief Introduction

Founded in 2008 by the master mathematician Prof. Shing-Tung Yau, the S. -T. Yau High School Science Award inspires scientific innovations and is designed for high school students all over the world. Advocating innovative thinking and teamwork spirits, the Award abandons test papers and standard answers, instead, it requires students to participate by submitting research reports. The Award aims at promoting the development of science education in high schools, stimulating students’ research interests and innovative abilities, as well as discovering and cultivating young talents in scientific disciplines.

2. Award Settingthe finals

The Awards includes Mathematics Award, Physics Award, Chemistry Award, Biology Award, Computer Award, Economic and Financial Modeling Award; and Grand Award.

(1) Each subject sets One Gold Award, One Silver Award, Three Bronze Awards, and Five Honorable Mentions. The award money is set as follows: Gold Award, CNY 50,000/team; Silver Award, CNY 30,000/team; Bronze Award, CNY 10,000/team; Honorable Mention, CNY 5,000 /team. Certificates and Trophies will be given onsite of the Award Ceremony.

One Grand Award, award money CNY 50,000/team. Certificates and Trophy will be given onsite of the Award Ceremony.

(2) Upon request, Chair of the Selection Committee could provide letters of recommendation for the awardees to apply for universities.

3. Regions

(1) Mainland China Region

Eligibility: Middle school students in Mainland China, who haven’t graduated (only the high school students).

Registration link:

Math Award

①North Division:

Beijing/Hebei/Tianjin/Shanxi/Inner Mongolia/Xinjiang/Heilongjiang/Jilin/Liaoning/ Hubei/Henan/Shanxi/Ningxia/Gansu/Qinghai

②South Division:


③East Division:


Physics Award, Chemistry Award, Biology Award, Computer Award, Economic and Financial Modeling Award

①North Division:

Beijing/Hebei/Tianjin/Shanxi/Inner Mongolia/Xinjiang/Heilongjiang/Jilin/Liaoning/ Hubei/Henan/Shanxi/Ningxia/Gansu/Qinghai/Jiangsu/Anhui

②South Division:


(2) Overseas Region (Asia)

Eligibility: Middle school students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other Asian countries, except Mainland China

Registration link:

(3) Overseas Region (North America)

Eligibility: Middle school students from Overseas countries except Asian countries

Registration link:

4. Entry Requirements

(1) Eligibility

① Each participating team should consist of 1-3 middle school student(s) and 1-2 instructor(s).

②The participating teams (including under external guidance) have achieved scientific research results.

*Student: Student who has not graduated from high school at the time of registration. Students from different schools are not allowed to form a team.

*Instructor: Instructor can be middle school teachers, teachers or professors in universities or scientific research institutes. Please submit all information based on fact. Instructors cannot be from companies, training institutions or any profit-seeking organizations. If the Organizing Committee has enough reasons to believe the research report is finished under the guidance of a commercial training institution, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify the participating team and prize won.

(2) Research Areas


Covers all areas of fundamental and applied mathematics, such as:

-Fundamental research: e.g. algebra, analysis, geometry, probability, statistics.

-Engineering applications: computing, internet, communications, information and digital technology, etc.

-Commercial applications: economics, finance, logistics, management, decision science, operations research, transportation, etc.

-Scientific applications: medicine, physics, chemistry, biology, environment and health problems, etc.

-Innovation designs: image and visualization, games, puzzles, algorithms, etc.


Covers all areas of physics. Relevance to physics.


Any research topic related to chemistry. The main factor considered during evaluation is what specific problem is to be solved by this research.


Any research topic related to biology, either empirical results obtained through experiments or purely theoretical analysis (for example, results of bioinformatic analysis). The main factor considered during evaluation is what specific problem is to be solved by this research.


Any research topic related to computer science, either fundamental theoretical research or explorations of technical problems.

Economic and Financial Modeling

Covers all areas of economics (including finance). The research topic has direct contribution or methodological contribution to the interpretation of economic problems.

(3) Application

April 15–July 31: online account registration; August 1–September 15: online submission of research reports and other required materials.

Please log onto the Registration website ( to register and submit required information and materials. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

(4) Required Materials

Information of the participating individual or team.

Research Report:

i. Format: PDF file.

ii. Each Report should include the following:

– Cover Page: name of student(s), province/state and country of the school with which the student(s) are affiliated, name of instructor(s), and title of the Report.

– After Cover Page: Title, Author(s), Abstract, Keywords, Table of Contents, and Body Text.

– Bibliography: starting on a separate page.

– Acknowledgment: describe the source, background of the report; the roles and contributions of each team member in completing the Research Report; the relationship of instructor and student, the role instructor played in writing the Report, whether the instructor is paid; State if there is any external assistance with the research results; Please attach resumes of team members and advisors if necessary.

iii. Requirements for the Research Report:

– Any form of plagiarism or other academic misconducts are strictly prohibited.

– References to existing research methods and conclusions must be indicated with clear citations and included in the bibliography. Each participating team should observe the common standard of academic integrity adopted by most mathematics journals or degree theses.

– The research content and research process must not violate Chinese laws and regulations, or general principles of public order and social customs.

– The research subject must not include food, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or medical instruments that may entail physical or psychological harms to human beings or animals.

– The research must abide by the internationally recognized Code of Ethics, and follow the basic ethical requirements. For research involving human, the informed consent process should be strictly followed, and ethical review should be conducted as required.

Declaration of Academic Integrity

Students and instructors of the participating team must read the Declaration, sign respectively in the designated position, and stamp official seal of the school or the office of academic affairs. If the instructors are not teachers from the school, but from other schools or experts from research institutions, they must sign in the specified location for confirmation, and stamp official seal of the unit. After the declaration of academic integrity is signed and stamped, please scan and upload it in the registration system.

Download the Declaration of Academic Integrity

Information sheet of the instructors

The instructors (1-2) should fill out the sheet separately, sign in the designated position, stamp the official seal of the unit, scan and upload it into the registration system.

Information sheet of the instructors

Plagiarism check report

A corresponding plagiarism check report of the final Research Paper must be submitted before the deadline of the Research Report submission. (Recommended plagiarism check platforms: HowNet, PaperPass)

Supplementary documents

– Ethics review committee

For research topics involving human life science and medical research, written approval from ethics review committee and signed informed consent form must submitted.

– Experiment videos or relevant text/graphic materials can be submitted (optional).

(5) Special Notes

Registration and the submission of all materials must be completed through the online system. Submission of hard copies will be deemed invalid.

② It is possible for a student to participate in the competition of multiple disciplines, but one can only register in the competition of any discipline once. If a student participates in the competition of multiple disciplines, he/she must register a difference account and submit different papers.

③ The information of instructor(s) and participating student(s) cannot be changed after the deadline for the final Research Report submission.

④ Please be sure to submit all the information truthfully. If a team violates the integrity principle, the Organizing Committee will disqualify and publicize the team on the website, and inform the principals of relevant schools.

⑤ References to existing research methods and conclusions must be indicated with clear citations and included in the bibliography. Each participating team should observe the common standard of academic integrity adopted by most journals or degree theses.

⑥ If the participating team is going to submit, submitting, has submitted or published the same research report for other competitions, or for a Journal, please be sure to provide related information in the “research report submission” section during the account registration process.

⑦ If a final Research Report’s percentage of similarity exceeds 10%, the Organizing Committee will disqualify the participating team. In extreme case of full-text plagiarism, all the participating teams from the same school will be disqualified from the competition. In addition, the school and its act of blatant plagiarism will be publicly reported.

⑧ Research Reports selected for the National Final will be published on the official website for public review for seven days.

5. Evaluation Mechanism

October 1 – November 3: Regional Competition. Regional contest is conducted in form of oral defense. Contestants will participate.

November 3 – November 11: public review of Research Reports entering the Global Final.

December 7-8: Global Final and Award Ceremony (Location: Tsinghua University).

The Global Final includes oral defense of the Research Report in English and will be reviewed by an international committee. Both contestants and instructors will participate.

(The agenda is subject to final notice.)

6. Intellectual Property

(1) Original work and results are the intellectual belongings to the participants and this is respected by S. T. Yau High School Science Award.

(2) The S. T. Yau High School Science Award reserves the right to use the winning works for the promotion of the Award and the right of first refusal on the publication of the winning works.

(3) Winners should approach the S. T. Yau High School Science Award before they publish their works or derive any benefit from it.

7. Public Review

The S. -T. Yau High School Science Award is open to public review. Any organization or individual that objects to the qualifications of the teams entering the National Final may file a complaint, along with supporting evidence and contact information, to the Organizing Committee before the end of the seven-day period of public review. After receiving the complaint, the Organizing Committee will invite a team of experts to review the case. The Organizing Committee solemnly promises that information of the objecting organizations and/or individuals will remain confidential.

8. Disclaimer

(1) The Organizing Committee of the S. -T. Yau High School Science Award reserves the right to interpret the above entry guidelines.

(2) There is no charge for the S. -T. Yau High School Science Award.

(3) This Award aims at stimulating the interest and creativity of Chinese high school students in conducting fundamental science research, discovering and cultivating young scientific talents, and enhancing the connection between secondary education and higher education. The results of the Award is not directly associated with the future enrollment in higher education of any participating individuals.

Copyright © S. -T. Yau High School Science Award

Contact Us:

Competition Headquarters Office:Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Jing Zhai, Tsinghua University, Hai Dian District, Beijing,China 100084


Contact Us:

Competition Headquarters Office:Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Jing Zhai, Tsinghua University, Hai Dian District, Beijing,China 100084
